Well, I've been away from the web for a while, and now I'm sitting here late at night, it's far too hot to sleep, so time to write my diary. Thank you for any comments I've recently received that I haven't personally replied to, I do appreciate them!
Lots of inconsequential bits and pieces have been going on; I got through a Brownie sleepover, with 5 and a half hours sleep (my lovely pink sleeping bag was very comfy); developed a new chocolate cake with my lovely sis (add whole milk, risky but worth it);
Belated birthday greetings - what a fabulous gift!
ReplyDeleteI love the Women's Land Army poster - would I have been brave enough or energetic enough to have joined, I wonder? And the cake looks scrumptious!!!
What a lot of great stuff!
ReplyDeleteI must admit the Where's Wally Avatar is my favourite. I LOVE that!
GET OUT!!! You got the audio books! I was thinking of joining audible soley so I could listen and sew at the same time. That is a stellar present!
ReplyDeleteI very much want to make myself a pair of land girl breeches. I suppose I would look a bit silly walking around in them but I think they are really cute despite stories of them not drying well overnight and the girls getting blisters or frostbite or something on their knees.
And the cake all sounds delicious!