I'm absolutely thrilled to have been given an award! It seems so unlikely that my insubstantial, irregular little blog is worth of this, thank you thank you One More Stitch for the honour! If you haven't discovered One More Stitch, she has a fascinating blog that records her historical recreations, the most eagerly awaited of which is 'The Garment' ~ featured in the Aubrey~Maturin novels ~ and her research into the 18th century era. Truly edifying stuff
I must list 7 random facts about myself, and then nominate 7 more beautiful blogs for this award.
1. I really like cooking, and would love to do a 'come dine with me' style competition with my friends, because I am a little bit competitive
2. I'm eagerly awaiting 'The Hobbit' to hit the cinemas, I daresay I'll see it more than once
3. I love a windswept, lonely, unspoilt beach, it's my dream to live near one, one day
4. For christmas I was given 'Tea at the Ritz' to be used this year, and I'm quite nervous about looking stylish enough for the occasion, I'll be much more comfortable ambling around the NMM
5. I've broken my sewing machine, it's been a couple of months and I haven't got around to taking it to the repair shop yet
6. I long for a subscription to Selvedge magazine, and occasionally hunt for back-copies on ebay
7. I'm hosting a Norway-themed eurovision party this year, with gradvalax, and can't wait
And here are 7 utterly beautiful blogs, do pay them a visit ~
4. Yarny Days
Thanks so much- I feel most honoured :) Forgive me if I don't repost immediately- I need to have a think! Like you, I'm eagerly awaiting the Hobbit (and worried by the rumours that the release date's been pushed back). I cannot WAIT to hear who they've cast as Bilbo...