Wednesday, 11 November 2009

calling all Jane Austen fans

I have just acquired a copy of 'Jane Austen - A Literary Challenge' by Helen Barton.

It's been fun to flick through and test my knowledge of my favourite novels, but, I am not a true Jane Austen devotee - I know very little of her life and family, I never went to see 'Becoming Jane' at the cinema, and I haven't read any of her lesser known works, or any of the biographies. This seems to me a really good little book for an Austen fan, surely there is someone out there who would appreciate this fun, but also seriously challenging, book more than me? I propose a mini-swap with the first person who wants this book. As I live in Bath I'll trot down to the Jane Austen Centre and buy a few trifles to send off with it too if you like.
So if you're interested leave me a comment and we can correspond via email, UK residents only though, I regret to say.

1 comment:

  1. Forget the frightful films - read Deirdre Le Faye/Austen-Leigh, George Tucker or David Cecil for biographical information, and then JA's letters (very entertaining and more than a few bits about the navy!) Most of the other biographies are gushy, vicious or redundant.
