Thursday, 8 October 2009

promised post - part two

I found myself spending a lot of time working at the Bath Children's Literature Festival in September, which I loved doing, although admittedly I had one of the best gigs in town, at the Mission Theatre. I had never been to this theatre before, and its small but utterly charming. Barely more than a tiny entrance, two auditorium, and a cute bistro cafe up some 200 year old, very worn, stairs. It was one of the smallest venues (read: very little work involved) and it was the only venue that laid on a tab for the booksellers. As I am extremely greedy, I thought this was great. They served up warm parsnip and camembert quiche, three salads, and cake. Yum!

I got to see some nice events too, my favourites being the Elmer birthday party (Elmer paid a visit!), the Emily Gravett event (I love love love 'Orange Pear Apple Bear'), and the flower fairies!

All the little girls came dressed as fairies - mostly flower fairies but there was a tinkerbell too - and on the stage was a very realistic gnarled and ivy covered tree, with subtle fairy lights and plenty of spreading roots. As the mini-theatre progressed, the girls helped a young woman find all the pieces of an adult fairy costume hidden on the tree, which she then dressed in, to become the Tansy Fairy. The Tansy Fairy has a beautiful yellow dress, and teaches all the little fairies to dance, so they did! Later on they coloured in pretty fairy wings to take home, but were also given a pink glittery pair. I spent the hour wishing I was seven.

But, I did come away with a great freebie, one of the publishing staff gave me her event t-shirt...
It has a little pink fairy and a butterfly...

Did you know that Bonne Maman are currently giving away Bonne Maman aprons and tea towels over on their website? I love their jams, I love that they have whole pieces of fruit in them, and I gleefully entered my three coupon codes a few weeks ago. And look what I got!

It even came in its own Bonne Maman paper envelope! I'm currently working my way through a jar of apricot jam, and then I'll start on getting myself some tea towels : ) I like the red check, so simple, but so attractive. Gosh, this is starting to sound like an advert isn't it. But the empty jars are the best for homemade chutney.

And finally, I have a new cousin, aged one, who I have promised to make a Peanut the Wee Elephant for, alas he is a boy, and all the fabric in my stash is pink. So, once I solve this little dilemma, there will actually be some crafting going on!

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