Sunday, 9 March 2008

making ailish

This weekend I almost finished making Ailish. All the knitting, crochet, sewing up, buttons, blocking and finishing is done. All thats left is a fabric lining to give it some stiffness and structure.

The buttons arrived from Lithuania at four in the afternoon, and at 11pm I was still knitting the flap, having already sewn the back-piece part of it onto the bag. As the wool began to run out I knit faster and faster, managing to just finish the front flap with two rows of double crochet, even using some off cuts to finish the last inch. Lucky I had already done all the sewing up before I actually cast off. The buttons I sewed on this morning after blocking the front flap overnight. Although its all stocking stitch the blocking was quite successful and it doesn't curl in. The lining fabric, stiffened, will give the bag some shape. In some ways the bag looks better with the front flap tucked inside.

I just wanted to say thanks to Carol, also, for her encouraging comments : )


  1. Wow what a process but the end result is so pretty! Great job!

  2. It looks great. All that finishing work makes for something very polished and professional!

  3. Very nice. I agree with the previous comment, in that it is the finishing that makes hand crafted things really sing and look good. It looks as though you have done a fabulous job. Enjoy using the bag....
