Incidentally, its 93 inches long and 3 inches wide, 5 rows deep, which took two and a half balls of Topaz 'little big wool'. It should have been seven rows of treble crochet stitch, but you know, I'm not crazy. Its means the bag it going to be narrower, but what the hell. These photos really don't do the intense green any justice...
So, I was thinking there is no way I'm going to crochet the bag, the cost of the yarn would be astronomical, as much as I really love crochet now ( its so versatile, you can do it anywhere, even standing up!) its going to have to be knitted.
This will really be best because then I can work a motif like I originally wanted, and I had the perfect inspiration today; this gorgeous card from my homely hero...

I'm pretty much decided its going to be a deep, faded, navy blue bag, with a really subtle purple rose motif, with maybe some of the Topaz left over for some leaves. I need to research some flower motifs and get my squared paper out to work the pattern, it'll just be on the front flap. I'm thinking about some blue and green (muted shades) striped fabric for the lining, and inner hooks to keep it closed, rather than attempt buttons. Since the strap is also the gusset, it'll be visible all the way round the bag.
I actually liked the crocheted part, when I first looked at it I thought it would make a really cute scarf! ;)