Sunday, 9 December 2007

oh branwen

I've finished branwen...

acts of lunacy during this knitting -

not picking up enough neckband stitches, far too tight!
having redone the v-neck, casting off in extra stretchy bind-off - a little too loose : (
sewing up the armhole!!
not blocking before sewing
attempting to thread an ordinary needle with chunky wool

but, I didn't give up, and, having completed by first sweater, I think I can now say, I knit.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great - very pretty colours. I don't think your "acts of lunacy" are anything out of the ordinary - it what makes it all so much fun. Clever alteration of the neckline. I much prefer V-neck sweaters.

    I was in Bath at the weekend - didn't it rain! I wish I'd worn wellington boots.

